Introducing Grandma G, And Yes She’s 90!

I cannot begin to express how much this lovely lady means to me.

She is my grandma, my best friend, and my mentor.

When I was a little girl, it was my Grammy who God used to plant the seed of prayer into my life.

I don’t remember a summer growing up when my big brother and I weren’t visiting her, and back then, when we were younger, it seemed like time stood still. It was like our summers lasted forever! I remember I was always sad when it came time to leave her and venture back home.

Growing up, my home life was very hard at times. We faced a lot of difficult things, but there were also times when there was laughter and we enjoyed being together. I remember movie nights the most. Those times were the best.

Here I go chasing that squirrel again! Ok, Grammy, yes Grammy. Focusing! Focusing! I figured I couldn’t have a blog without having the wisdom of my 90 year old grandma being a part of it.

You will never ever hear her say that she had a hard life. Instead she has always said what “a good life” she has had, and is always giving glory to God. She is forever saying how good He has been to her.

My grandmother’s faith reminds me of the faith Job of the Bible had. This man lost everything, and when I say everything I do not say it lightly. But still through all the suffering and questioning God “why?”, Job remained faithful in trusting God to get him through.

I only know this because I had started a study on Job and have been questioning the “why’s” myself. I have yet, to finish the study, but I know God does restore Job!

And as time goes on, and I continue to write, all will be revealed as the story for my life unfolds.

In the meantime, back to Grammy once again! Not only does this women absolutely love the Lord, she also loves to sing, dance and paint! She has been painting since she was the age of 73 and has sold many of her paintings.

Hmmmm, maybe I will have to share some of those paintings. Until then, I do hope you enjoy my Grammy’s words of godly wisdom (post to follow) as much as I do!


October 1, 2018

*Edited by Tara C

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